Picture number 1
This paati (board, to all you angrezi understanding people) is put up on my building gate.
Nothing great, but I loved the audacious way of saying "Worries not allowed inside". If only things could be as easy as saying that!!!
Picture Number 2
Let this talk for itself.
This was a poster put up near my library. Couldn't help but capture this beauty!
Morya Aluminium, Manufacturing and Reappearing... eh?
Picture Number 3
Now this!!!! was at more. supermarket. So what does this mean? Any Guesses? Guesses should pour in at the comments section please. and my office people who have already seen this pic and have got the explanation from me, are not eligible for the guessing thingy. Let the others answer.
Picture number 4
God save the Flate selesman!
Picture number 5
I won't say where this was. But this is the latest LOL. And don't you people forget to "While Exiting Please Swith Off All Switches"! he he he he he he....
Picture number 6
This snap has been bothering me since it has been put up in the parking place in our office building. Take a good look at it and then look at what I have to say about it.
1. I have heard "Fire exit" and "Emergency Exit" but never "Fire Staircase". If it is really used anywhere, then I do not know about it. *Yeah right! It is used here! DUH!*
2. If it is a FIRE EXIT, then why the hell is the man climbing stairs?? Why would anyone in his right senses run upstairs in case of fire??
3. Look what's written above! TOILET! So when you are looking at it from far away, the "Fire Staircase" is hardly seen due to light angles. *Just like in this snap, the "CASE" part is not seen. So, doesn't it look like This person is running towards the toilet because he's facing an emergency situation???