One of my most happiest moments lie in December. I would perhaps rate this day on a higher rank than my wedding day. Wedding is just a celebration to stamp the decision that we make. Making a decision to commit your life to one person for better or for worse is another league totally. This is where a person is right or wrong. I am glad I took a wise decision and hitch-hiked on this road called marriage to the person I loved and still do.
Well, in case you are wondering, there were no celebrations, nothing hunky dory. Guess what? The husband had even forgotten about it. When I reminded, he says "Oh yeah, isn't it?" But I am not mad at him. He remembers to change diapers, I never have to remind him to refill baby formula and doesn't forget Aa's doctor appointment. I cannot be mad at him for something so frugal when I can see the efforts he's putting into being a wonderful, perfect daddy.
I swear, it has got nothing to do with the amazing gifts he showered on me for Thanksgiving. Take a look.
:) Got an amazing deal for the Notebook and the Galaxy Tab together, and the camera too came in with a case and 8 GB card. I have been craving for an DSLR since a long time, but looking at it from the price point, I found it too expensive. KK wasn't all too in love with any DSLR, because camera for him is a camera, what more could you get? But he took a look at one of our snap clicked at a friend's house in a dark setting and he was sold to my idea. The pic was bright, colourful and looked like it was a pro shot. Hence the camera was included into this year's buying list.
The Samsung Notebook is gorgeous. I did not want anything fancy. As long I can check my emails and Facebook and blog, I am good to go. I love it!
The Tab however is for KK. And he is in love with it. In his own words "It's like being newly wed!" :)
That said, every year I have something to look forward to in this last month. This year, V is gonna be visiting us and I am super excited! His visit although a short one is gonna be fun... I know it. :)
December for me is not just stock take of the year's events and making new resolutions. It is when I feel warm and special from within, no matter how chilly it is on the outside. Cozing up to my near and dear ones, knowing that they'll be there for me, feeling safe, secure and loved, is what I look forward to. If the whole year is "exercising" then December is my "meditation". :)